Unlocking the Rich Tallow Benefits: A Guide to Healthier Cooking and Living

Tallow Benefits

Discovering tallow benefits can transform your approach to cooking and personal care. With its abundance of vitamins, superior cooking properties, and skincare compatibility, tallow provides a versatile solution for those seeking natural, effective alternatives. This article uncovers the myriad ways tallow supports skin health and enriches culinary endeavors.

Key Takeaways

  • Beef and bison tallow is loaded with healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins (like A, D, E, K), making it great for heart health and flavorful cooking, while being friendly for those with food allergies.
  • With a high smoke point of almost 400°F, tallow is perfect for high-heat cooking, ensuring better-flavored and nutritionally rich foods without the smoke and odor from other oils.
  • Tallow isn’t just for cooking; it’s also a skincare hero that mimics our natural skin fats, and it’s part of an eco-friendly, waste-reducing approach to utilizing the whole animal.

Exploring the Nutritional Goldmine of Beef Tallow

A pile of beef suet being rendered into tallow

Explore the nutritional landscape of beef and bison tallow and discover a gem vastly different from the omnipresent, highly processed and refined vegetable oils that fill our kitchen shelves. Beef tallow is created by rendering the unadulterated suet from cattle, resulting in a rich source of vital vitamins and fatty acids crucial for maintaining heart health and supporting various physiological processes.

Beef and bison tallow is not only free from allergens, catering to individuals with food sensitivities, but also imbues dishes with an intensified taste profile that can transform any meal into an exceptionally tasty experience.

A Treasure Trove of Fatty Acids

Dive into the composition of beef and bison tallow, a rich source of saturated animal fat. This lustrous substance is abundant in healthy fatty acids including monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats, and various forms of saturated fats like palmitoleic acid, palmitic acid, and stearic acid. These beneficial fats are celebrated for their cardioprotective properties. Consider the potential benefits where certain fats not only avoid arterial blockage but may also assist in maintaining clean arteries. Notably, stearic acid could enhance cholesterol levels while mitigating inflammation risks that silently compromise health. Monounsaturated fat such as palmitoleic acid has been linked to promoting insulin sensitivity, which is advantageous for regulating blood sugar levels.

To these attributes, beef and bison tallow’s fatty acids profile includes an enhancement provided by conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), acting synergistically against detrimental cellular activities in your body—akin to an internal security team safeguarding your well-being from hidden dangers.

Vitamins for Vitality

Beef and bison tallow, a variety of healthy fats derived from animal fat, is packed with the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are crucial for numerous bodily functions. These include maintaining vision health, bone strength, immune system robustness and cardiovascular wellness.

These vitamins serve as vital guards against everyday environmental challenges. Among them is Vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant powerhouse that helps combat oxidative stress known to contribute to chronic conditions. Consuming just 100 grams of beef tallow meets 7% of your recommended daily intake for vitamin D — a nutrient that surprisingly many people lack adequate levels of. Beef tallow assists in maximizing absorption of these critical fat-soluble nutrients, ensuring optimal uptake of beneficial nutrients into the body. Thus, it showcases one facet amongst the myriad health benefits associated with consuming beef tallow.

Indulging in the nutritious properties offered by beef tallow not only protects you from infection but also provides enjoyment through its savory qualities—thus striking a pleasing balance between delectable indulgence and bolstering your well-being with essential nourishment. Uncover all that this resource has to offer and elevate both your meals’ flavor profiles while enriching their nutritional value.

The Superior Smoke Point of Beef and Bison Tallow

A pan sizzling with food being cooked in beef tallow

Not all cooking fats stand on the same footing. Possessing a significantly high smoke point reaching nearly 400°F, beef and bison tallow outperforms several vegetable oils that are staples in our pantries. What’s the advantage here? It means you can turn up your stove to higher temperatures without the worry of your fat transforming into an unwelcome cloud of smoke, which could impart off-flavors and aromas onto your much-loved recipes. Beef tallow fat is not just resilient for tasks like frying and searing. It also acts as a protector, preserving both taste and nutritional aspects of what you cook.

The stability of tallow owes greatly to its low level of free-fatty acids, granting peace of mind when delving into culinary ventures that demand intense heat. Whether perfecting a steak with an impeccable crust or making a sumptuous roux, beef tallow raises the caliber of home cooking to rival that found in professional kitchens.

The Versatility of Tallow in the Kitchen

Imagine scrumptious, golden-brown potatoes sizzling away, a steak with the perfect char, and a cornbread so rich and tasty that beef tallow must be its secret weapon. This adaptable fat can effortlessly substitute oils and butter in your favorite recipes, delivering an unrivaled richness to every dish it graces. Whether baking sweet treats or sautéing vegetables – or even when deep-frying for that ultimate crispiness – tallow elevates both the flavor profile and nutritional value of your meals.

Beef and bison tallow shines brightly in the art of confit cooking, where its magic renders meat unbelievably succulent at low temperatures over extended periods. Similarly, transforming potatoes into epicurean wonders. Imagine the sheer decadence of enhancing your homemade pastries with just a touch of this luxurious fat—beef tallow turns what’s mundane into pastry perfection sure to tantalize any connoisseur’s palate.

Tallow: A Skin’s Best Friend

A jar of homemade tallow-based skincare product

Exiting the culinary arena and venturing into skincare, we discover a gentler aspect of beef tallow. Its saturated fats bear a striking resemblance to those in our own skin’s cells, ensuring an unparalleled affinity for seamless integration. When used in skincare products like lotions or balms, tallow imparts essential nourishment that your skin readily recognizes.

In times past, its restorative qualities made beef tallow a trusted remedy for minor injuries such as burns and cuts. Presently, it has found renewed purpose within beauty formulations—balms, ointments and other innovative concoctions—that are gaining popularity among cosmetic aficionados. Whether through hand creams or lip care items to soaps infused with this ingredient. Utilizing tallow infuses daily self-care rituals with both opulence and profound benefits.

We must also acknowledge palmitoleic acid—a distinctive fatty acid celebrated for its protective properties against oxidative stress while stimulating collagen production—the proverbial elixir of youth within the dermal universe. Through topical application or dietary inclusion alike, combinations of beef tallow and virgin coconut oil manifest a comprehensive strategy toward sustaining skin vitality that is simultaneously practical yet lavish.

By choosing soap bars enriched with beef or bison tallow you can experience their sumptuous froth which conscientiously preserves your skin’s inherent moisture defense system resulting in softness imbued hydration post-use.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid: The Fat-Burning Phenomenon in Tallow

Bison tallow’s conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) raises the bar in its benefits, functioning as an influential fatty acid that not only assists with weight control but also serves as a defender against inflammation. Consider it a type of fat that aids in reducing excess weight while simultaneously enhancing your immune system and taking on inflammatory-related conditions such as heart disease and arthritis.

Beef tallow contains stearic acid which acts to promote the metabolism of fats, spurring your body into utilizing stored fat reserves while keeping you feeling full longer. It stands out particularly for those adhering to a ketogenic diet or who aim to manage their weight more efficiently. When it comes to beef tallow, the approach isn’t about eliminating saturated fat alone from your diet. Rather it’s focused on selecting beneficial fats that empower both your physical wellness and health aspirations.

The Sustainable Side of Tallow: Eco-Friendly Practices

Opting for beef tallow transcends mere the health benefits of beef itself. It’s a powerful gesture towards ecological responsibility. Employing tallow reflects our commitment to sustainable, whole-animal utilization—a core tenet of the nose-to-tail philosophy—which respects the entirety of the animal by minimizing waste.

Selecting beef tallow represents more than just a nod to wellness—it’s an active contribution toward an environmentally considerate loop that seeks to limit excess and enhance efficiency. This decision mirrors a profound respect for our culinary ecosystems and embodies dedication to forging a sustainably minded tomorrow.

Creative Uses Beyond Cooking

Tallow’s versatility surpasses its culinary uses, venturing into the sphere of artistic expression. The unassuming grace of tallow candles—made by melting down the fat and shaping it around a wick—not only casts a soft light but also radiates with historic allure, presenting tallow soap an eco-friendly option compared to contemporary wax products.

Taking the spotlight in skincare, tallow is predominantly used as a foundational ingredient for crafting soap. When infused with essential oils, it not only gains additional properties but also exudes enticing aromas. Tallow encourages experimentation beyond gastronomic boundaries, from simple country-style applications to more sophisticated pursuits.

Choosing the Right Tallow for Your Needs

Delving into the realm of tallow requires thoughtful choices. When you choose beef and bison tallow derived from grass-fed stock, you not only contribute to more sustainable ecosystems but also procure a superior-quality beef and bison fat. For those inclined towards culinary adventures, consider making your own tallow. Doing so ensures that you have access to a clean and non-hydrogenated fat source, which is often healthier compared to many options found in stores.

The process of rendering your own tallow at home may seem daunting initially. It’s quite straightforward with some basic kitchen tools and patience. This method allows you to convert raw fat from grass fed bison into lustrous and beneficial beef tallow for various applications—a fulfilling endeavor that enhances your connection with the food on your table while giving you greater control over the ingredients in your healthy diet too.


As we wrap up our exploration of beef and bison tallow, it’s clear that this traditional fat is more than just a relic of the past. It’s a multifaceted gem that offers a wealth of health benefits, culinary versatility, and sustainable practices. Whether you’re frying up a storm in the kitchen, nurturing your skin to a radiant glow, or crafting homemade candles, beef tallow stands out as a testament to the power of simplicity and tradition in our modern lives.

So why not embrace the richness of tallow? Let it transform your cooking, enhance your cooking oil, your skincare routine, and align your lifestyle with eco-friendly values. With tallow, you’re not just making a choice for today; you’re investing in a healthier, more sustainable tomorrow. Let this guide be your starting point, and may your tallow journey be as enriching as it is delicious.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is tallow healthier than olive oil?

No, compared to olive oil, tallow is not regarded as more beneficial for health because it has saturated fatty acids, a reduced antioxidant capacity, and does not contain linoleic acid. When selecting oils for cooking, it’s crucial to balance fatty acid content with antioxidant capabilities.

Can beef and bison tallow be used for high-heat cooking?

Certainly, owing to its high smoke point reaching nearly 400°F, beef tallow is suitable for cooking at high temperatures. This property makes it perfect for frying and searing as it doesn’t produce undesirable smells or tastes.

What are some skincare benefits of using beef or bison tallow?

Beef tallow is excellent for skin care due to its similar fatty acid profile to human skin, which encourages hydration, elasticity, and general well-being. It’s incorporated into skincare items because of its therapeutic benefits.

Consider using beef or bison tallow if you’re aiming for skin that is both nourished and hydrated!

Is choosing beef and bison tallow a sustainable option?

Certainly! Opting for beef or bison tallow promotes sustainability by minimizing food waste and optimizing the utilization of animal byproducts. This environmentally conscious choice is in harmony with the principles of nose-to-tail consumption practices.

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Bison Tallow for Skin Ailments

Well, Bless Your Itchy Hide: Bison Tallow for Skin Ailments

Now, I ain’t no doctor, mind you. But I’ve seen my share of critters and their afflictions over the years, and folks, there’s something mighty peculiar about bison tallow. Seems this here greasy substance, rendered from those great shaggy beasts of the plains, has a knack for soothing irritated skin like nobody’s business.

They say it’s been used for centuries by Native American folk, and wouldn’t you know, there might be more to it than just old wives’ tales and such. Let’s peel back the layers of this here bison tallow and see if it’s got the goods to help with those pesky afflictions like eczema and psoriasis.

What in Tarnation is Bison Tallow?

Bison Tallow for skin ailments.

Bison Tallow for Skin Ailments

Let’s be plain-spoken – tallow is plain old animal fat. Bison tallow, specifically, comes from the majestic bison. Now, before you wrinkle your nose, remember that our ancestors made use of every part of the animals they hunted. It’s a kind of respect, see?

Tallow’s got history, used for everything from candles to cooking. And turns out, it’s darn similar to the oils our own skin produces. Makes sense then, that it might agree with our hides.

Coolin’ the Inflammation Fire

Here’s where things get interestin’. Eczema and psoriasis they ain’t just about itchy, flaky skin. No sir, they’re a whole mess of inflammation gone wild. Your body’s immune system gets overzealous, attacking your own skin like it’s some kinda enemy.

Well, bison tallow, seems like it might hold the key to calmin’ that ruckus. See, it’s chock-full of fatty acids, the good kind that help keep your skin barrier strong and less likely to freak out. Even more, some of these fatty acids might have a hand in taming inflammation directly.

The Benefits: What Science (and Folks) Have to Say

  • A Barrier to Trouble: Think of your skin like a fortress, and tallow helps build up the walls. It’s full of stuff that makes your skin barrier strong, so irritants and allergens have a harder time sneakin’ in and causin’ trouble.
  • Moisture Magnet: Dry, cracked skin is an open invitation for eczema and psoriasis flare-ups. Bison tallow’s a natural moisturizer, lockin’ in that precious hydration to keep your skin supple and less prone to aggravation.
  • Soothing the Itch and Redness: Folks swear by tallow for takin’ the edge off those unbearable itches and calm that angry red inflammation. While science is still catchin’ up on the specifics, it’s likely got to do with those anti-inflammatory properties we talked about.

FAQ: Your Bison Tallow Questions, Answered

  • Is bison tallow some kinda miracle cure? Let’s hold our horses. It ain’t gonna make all your skin problems disappear overnight. But for a lot of folks, it can be a mighty useful tool alongside other treatments.
  • Where do I get the good stuff? Look for grass-fed, ethically sourced bison tallow. That’s the kind that’s gonna have the most potent mix of those beneficial fats. A quick search online should turn up some reputable suppliers.
  • Can I just slather it on willy-nilly? Best to start with a patch test, just to make sure your skin agrees with it. And if you’ve got severe eczema or psoriasis, always have a chat with your doctor first.

Table: Fatty Acids in Bison Tallow


Fatty Acid Type Benefits for Skin
Oleic Acid Deeply moisturizing may support skin barrier function
Stearic Acid Helps repair skin barrier, locks in moisture
Palmitic Acid Anti-inflammatory properties, may soothe irritated skin

Now, I ain’t sayin’ you should ditch your prescriptions and go bathe in a tub of bison grease. But if you’re itchin’ for some natural relief alongside your usual treatment, bison tallow might just be worth a try. After all, sometimes the best solutions are the ones rooted in old-fashioned wisdom.

Important Note: Always consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your skin care regimen, especially if you have an underlying condition.

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Bison Tallow Skin Benefits

Exploring Bison Tallow Skin Benefits: A Natural Path to Healthier Skin

Searched for bison tallow for skincare benefits? You’re in the right place. This natural animal fat offers deep moisture, protection, and healing – aligned closely with your skin’s needs. Without any fluff, our guide outlines why bison tallow might be a standout choice for your skincare regimen. We will quickly explore bison tallow skin benefits.

Key Takeaways

  • Bison tallow is chock-full of skin goodies like fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, similar to human sebum, making it a hydration hero for your skin.
  • Dry or oily skin? No worries! Bison tallow has got you covered with its unique ability to moisturize without the grease, balance oil production, and it’s a champ at fighting off dry skin blues.
  • Not just for skincare, bison tallow is also eco-friendly and ethical, especially when you go for the grass-fed stuff. Plus, you can even get crafty and make your own products from it—talk about versatility!

Unlocking the Secrets of Bison Tallow Skin Benefits

Illustration of bison roaming on grasslands. Bison Tallow Skin Benefits


Bison tallow is packed with compounds that are incredibly beneficial for the skin. This includes a rich blend of:

  • Fatty acids
  • Essential vitamins
  • Numerous micronutrients
  • An array of minerals

These elements are remarkably similar to the natural sebum produced by our skin, ensuring an excellent affinity with human skin. Such compatibility forms the foundation of its positive impact on maintaining healthy skin.

Not only does Bison Tallow provide moisture, healing properties, nourishment, and protection for your skin, but it’s also incorporated in various skin care products such as:

  • Healing balms
  • Hydrating moisturizers
  • Cleansing soaps
  • Smooth shaving creams
  • Nourishing lip balms

Given its wide-ranging uses and established advantages for skincare, bison tallow is indeed a valuable asset in any routine. Bison Tallow skin benefits are numerous.

The Unique Composition of Bison Tallow

Bison Tallow distinguishes itself from other animal fats through its unique composition, which is abundant in fatty acids such as conjugated linoleic acid, oleic acid, and stearic acid. These specific fatty acids are known to contribute positively to skin health, making Bison Tallow an effective component for skincare regimens.

The beneficial properties of Bison Tallow extend beyond these essential fatty acids. It also contains vital vitamins and minerals that play a crucial role in nourishing and safeguarding the skin. This combination of elements renders Bison Tallow a formidable substance for enhancing both the health and look of the skin care with just the right amount of skin.

Comparing Bison Tallow to Beef Tallow

Beef tallow, the processed form of rendered beef fat or animal fat, is a prevalent component in numerous skincare items. Derived from fatty portions of cow meat, it undergoes a heating and filtration process that transforms it into a substance with a consistency similar to butter. This product proves advantageous for skin health. Bison beef tallow delivers an enhanced nutritional profile lacking in its bovine counterpart.

Sourcing bison for tallow for skin, aligns better with sustainable and ethical practices due to its extraction from grass-fed animals. It also embraces nose-to-tail consumption principles—a more responsible approach toward food utilization and environmental stewardship.

Nourishing Your Skin with Bison Tallow

Illustration of nourished and hydrated skin layers

Bison Tallow acts as a powerful nourishment for the skin, boosting its innate barrier function and enhancing moisture retention. The lipids from the stratum corneum in bison tallow play a critical role in fortifying this crucial skin barrier, pivotal for optimum hydration levels and shielding sensitive skin against environmental stressors.

This natural substance is not only packed with palmitoleic acid—a saturated fatty acid that closely resembles those found in human skin’s own sebum—but also boasts Vitamin E content which combats free radical damage. Its inclusion can thus diminish early signs of skin aging such as wrinkles and fine lines, positioning bison tallow as an invaluable component of your skincare routine.

Bison Tallow: A Natural Ally Against Dry Skin

Illustration of dry skin before and after using bison tallow. Bison tallow skin benefits are numerous.

Struggling with dry skin can be a persistent issue, but bison tallow may offer an effective solution. When used, it creates an occlusive layer that deeply moisturizes for extended periods without creating a greasy feeling on the skin. It reinforces the natural protective barrier skin’s surface of your skin, which helps to retain moisture and fight off dryness.

The advantages extend even with regular application. Bison tallow contributes to softer and more supple, skin tone while diminishing visible fine lines and wrinkles. It provides quick soothing effects from immediate issues like cracking and severe dryness—making it essential for the skin easily those residing in arid environments.

The Role of Bison Tallow in Skin Regeneration

Bison tallow provides more than just moisture and defense for the skin. It is integral to the process of skin renewal thanks to its bioavailable fat-soluble vitamins, which include Vitamin A, vitamin D,, vitamin E, and K.

These vital nutrients aid in promoting natural collagen synthesis within the body while also facilitating the important function of collagen production of regenerating skin cells to maintain healthy dermal cells.

Bison tallow’s molecular structure mirrors that found in fatty acids and micronutrients present in human epidermis. This similarity significantly improves its effectiveness when integrated into skincare practices by enhancing both the robustness of your skin barrier as well as supporting continuous regeneration of skin cells.

Balancing Oil Production Naturally

The unique fatty acid composition of bison tallow supports the regulation of oil production, which is advantageous for both dry and oily skin. The fatty acids in bison tallow promote a balanced complexion by modulating skin type and oil production and curtailing an overproduction essential oils that could arise from skin dehydration.

Due to its resemblance to the skin’s natural oils and sebum, bison tallow harmonizes well with various skin types. This compatibility helps regulate sebum output—a boon for individuals grappling with either excessively dry or oily complexions.

An essential fatty acid present within tallow—linoleic acid—is particularly effective at mitigating surplus sebum creation aging skin. Overproduced sebum can be a precursor to acne formation as it has the propensity to clog pores.

Soothing Sensitive and Irritated Skin with Bison Tallow

Illustration of soothing irritated skin with bison tallow

Bison tallow balm is a natural vitamin not limited to benefiting just those with dry or oily complexions. It serves as a boon for people grappling with sensitive and easily irritated skin. The presence of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and niacin endows the balm with anti-inflammatory qualities that help alleviate various skin afflictions including eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, and dermatitis.

Vital nutrients like vitamins E, D, and K within bison tallow augment its anti-inflammatory capabilities essential for mitigating skin irritation and inflammation. Those suffering from rosacea have observed significant improvements in reducing redness and increasing moisture levels in cracked skin after applying Bison Tallow Balm – underscoring its potency for treating delicate skin conditions.

Bison Tallow and Acne: Clarifying the Connection

Illustration of clear skin with reduced acne after using bison tallow

Bison tallow may be an effective remedy for those struggling with acne and skin irritation. Its similarity to the natural oil production of human skin means it can aid in fostering a balanced environment that deters and reduces acne in formation.

Bison tallow hydrates without blocking pores because it is non-comedogenic, thereby being a favorable option for people susceptible to acne and blackheads. The oleic acid present in bison tallow helps restore the oil production balance of the skin while shielding the skin’s barrier against environmental harm, thus potentially averting future breakouts.

Creating Your Own Bison Tallow Skincare Products

Bison tallow is not only remarkable for soothing properties and enhancing the skin, but also for its adaptability, which allows you to create your own skincare concoctions comfortably within your home. Start with ideas like:

  • Tallow balm using bison fat
  • Creams infused with bison tallow
  • Lip care products featuring bison tallow
  • Body butter enriched with the essence of bison tallow

These suggestions are just a starting point—the potential variations are both endless and simple to make.

By incorporating essential oils such as lavender, sweet fennel, or different types of frankincense into melted down Bison tallow, you can craft balms that exude pleasant scents. These homemade preparations can then serve multiple purposes: they work excellently as a hydrating solution for dry skin, gentle cream for infants’ bottoms, restorative lip salves or even aid in healing small abrasions.

The Ethical and Sustainable Choice: Grass-Fed Bison Tallow

Opting for bison grass fed tallow, is not just advantageous for oneself all the benefits. It also supports ethical and environmentally sustainable practices. By procuring bison tallow from grass-fed sources, one endorses a consumption approach that favors sustainability and the complete utilization of the animal.

Top-tier grass fed tallow is Sourced from animals raised on grass and undergoes a triple-purification process to eliminate contaminants. This leads to an even texture and less pronounced odor. Patronizing nearby farms that offer grass-fed bison tallow encourages eco-friendly agricultural methods while bolstering the regional economic landscape.

Precautions and Considerations When Using Bison Tallow

When utilizing bison tallow in your skincare routine, it’s crucial to obtain a high-quality supply. This is imperative to eliminate the possibility of encountering banned materials from cattle, contaminants, or issues with product stability.

For those with known allergies to beef or related bovine-derived items, vigilance is advised since there may be cross-reactive allergic responses incited by bison tallow. It’s important to underline that one should never settle for less when it comes down to the quality and safety of skincare products.


As we’ve journeyed through the rich landscape of bison tallow, it’s clear that this natural wonder isn’t just another skincare fad. It’s a potent, time-tested solution that enhances skin health, nourishes, hydrates, soothes, and even combats acne.

So, the next time you find yourself bewildered in the skincare aisle, remember that the secret to healthier skin might just be in a jar of grass-fed bison tallow. It’s time to embrace this natural path to healthier skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to see results from tallow?

After just a few days of applying tallow to your skin, you will begin to notice improvements. Tallow deeply penetrates the skin, fostering a complexion that is healthy, supple and exudes a youthful appearance.

How often should you use tallow on your face?

You can use tallow on your face daily, with multiple applications per day for severe skin issues, and once or twice daily for fine lines or mildly dry skin.

It’s versatile and can be adjusted to your skincare needs.

What does tallow do for the skin?

Tallow serves as a potent hydrating agent that effectively preserves the skin’s inherent moisture levels, restoring vital elements and warding off dryness over the course of the day.

Is bison tallow good for the skin?

Yes, bison tallow is good for the skin because it is loaded with nutrients like vitamins and fatty acids that promote skin health.

Can I use bison tallow if I have oily skin?

Indeed, bison tallow has properties that can balance oil production and diminish inflammation, thereby making it an appropriate option for individuals with oily skin.

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